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JUmping lunges (AKA, split jumps) Start in a shortened lunge position with your right knee directly over the ankle and your left knee hovering just above the ground. (Note: if you already present pain in your shoulders, skip this exercise). Hold the medicine ball with both hands and extend your arms straight up above your chest.
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You can use this workout 3 to 5 times per week depending on how quickly you recover. Im hungry already and its been a long day, so maybe its better to skip my workout just this once.
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Slowly curl your knees toward your chest as you exhale. If it does, switch to a single-leg variation where you keep one leg in the air and use the other leg to perform the movement. His parents married as teenagers and divorced when he was 10.

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It is important to stay consistent with your exercise pattern during pregnancy. Then sit up slowly-take about five seconds to complete the movement-until your torso is vertical.
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